Timeline page
This is an example of the Timeline page template. The Timeline lets you choose a category to display and what chronology to use. You can display post excerpts or whole contents and if you want you can turn link through off so that the timeline becomes a stand-alone page.
February 14, 2020
Race Report - 2020 Keilor Invitational Brought to you by Campbelltown Hobbies (1/10 EP Off-Road)
Feb 7-9, Keilor Electric Off-Road Club , Melbourne, Australia Lachlan Munday (Modified) and Andrew Selvaggi (Stock) have taken out the Invitational classes at the 2020 Keilor Invitational Brought to you by Campbelltown Hobbies. Australi...more -
November 8, 2019
Race Report: Australian Nationals 1/10 Offroad - Sturdy and Selvaggi win
Hi guys, race report from the Australian 1/10 nats held over the weekend. Unfortunately only the 2wd portion was completed as 4wd/trucks were washed out. 1/10 Jay Leno's Garage Offroad Australian Nationals30 ...more -
July 12, 2019
For a Budding RC Enthusiast
For most of us, when we think of KEORCA, we think of the racing - the track, the club-days, the banter amongst the members when we gather every fortnight. For others, it's the tradition of being one of the longest running ...more -
June 24, 2019
All the things you wanted to know about KEORCA...
... and we're afraid to ask - worry no more. We have now added a new section on our website which provides all sorts of good RC information - from car prep, what to bring, what to expect on race day, and more!Check it all out in the Get ...more -
June 3, 2019
KEORCA Track Rebuild 2019 - Ready for action soon!
Variety is the spice of life. With the latest updates to KEORCA's awesome dirt, off-road track, we'd rate this spiciness about a Cajun-spice with a dash of Carolina Reaper (that's hot!). Gearing up for the 2019 1/10 Scale National ...more -
May 31, 2019
A State of RC Podcast - featuring Ray Munday
Listen to KEORCA's own Ray Munday on the A State of RC podcast talk about tires, RC racing in Australia, supporting new RC racers and more! Click on the button below to go to the ASORC podcast page and have a listen. Go to the ...more -
May 25, 2019
Check out our website updates!
Hey all you racers! As you may know, 2019 is bringing some big things to KEORCA. In addition to our usual major events - the Keilor Invitational and the Polistena Cup - not to mention our awesome club races, we're also thrilled to ...more -
July 13, 2018
2018 Traction RC Polistena Cup
2018 Polistena Cup brought to you by; Traction RC Welcome to the details for the Inaugural Polistena Cup ("The Poli Cup"). This event marks the 4th and final round of this year's Victorian Drivers Series. Format: Friday 24th ...more