For a Budding RC Enthusiast


For most of us, when we think of KEORCA, we think of the racing – the track, the club-days, the banter amongst the members when we gather every fortnight.  For others, it’s the tradition of being one of the longest running RC clubs in Australia, and the camaraderie of the members of the group within and outside of the club days.  In either case, it’s easy to view KEORCA for just what we do within these four walls – within Melbourne. In Victoria.  In Australia.

To the delight of the KEORCA committee, we recently received a note through our contact form on the website from the mentor of a young, budding RC enthusiast named Steven.  Steven has been exploring the internet learning about RC cars and looking for a local RC club to join.  Through that effort, Steven has come across the KEORCA website and has enjoyed the information available on the site to learn more about RC.  While we’re all thinking that we’d absolutely invite young Steven down for a club day, there is one catch.  Steven is located in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. USA.  A bit far from Melbourne.

That said, Steven wished to contribute to the KEORCA site by sharing some knowledge he has gathered in his explorations for RC information.  He would be interested if we could add a link to our “Resource Link” page for a site he found particularly helpful in learning more about RC – from a site called Parts Geek.

So with that – Steven, I hope you find this page well and here is that link you suggested:

We’ve also added it to our Resource Link page here:

The invitation is also still open.  If you’re ever in Melbourne, Australia, swing by the club and have a rip around the track.  I hope you keep enjoying our website and welcome to the RC community.  Good luck, and we hope you get up and running soon!


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